Florian von Bornstädt
Johannes Jarchow
Christian Bräuer
Katharina Lüdin
Philipp Stendebach
Sarah Laminger
Luca Renner
Nestor Perez aka Stor Dubiné
Sylvia Heimann
Gregor Schmidinger
Julius Feldmeier
Alexander Prince Osei
Noel Alejandro
Max Weiland
Gustav Peter Wöhler
Marvin Wittiber
Julia Fuhr Mann
Valeska Réon
Alexander Pfeuffer
Nicola-Rabea Langrzik
Georgine Kellermann
Matthieu Svetchine
Amir Ovadia Steklov
Heiko Zupke
Dieter Rita Scholl
Jobst Knigge
Merve Aksoy
Naomi Beukes-Meyer
Marina Prados i Vila
Alex Baur
Ilonka Petruschka
Evelyn Rack
Thomas Petersen
Rico Mahel
Yun Huang
Micha Schulze
Oliver Erdmann
Johanna Jackie Baier
Sergej Gößner
Uli Decker
Ricarda Hofmann
Thorben Zoeger
Matt Lambert
Nico Hofmann
Patrick Gasda
Richard Hahn
Florian Gärtner
Peter Geisberg
Christian Bojidar
Joris Bas Backer
Marie-Luise Wolf
Marvin Wiechert
Finn Nachfolger
Christian Schäfer
Suki Maria Roessel
Jörn Grosse
Stephan Hellweg
Kevin Silvergieter
Patrick Schuckmann
Alejandro Mathe
Daniel Kulle
Marco Kreuzpaintner
Antonia Jungwirth
Jemima Milano
Frank Brenner
Enno Müller-Stephan
Johannes Maria Schmit
Fabian Schrader
Søren Schumann
Maurizio Onano
Leonie Stäblein
Fatih Abay
Dr. Andreas Bareiss
Katja Anton Cronauer
Stéphane Riethauser
Karen-Susan Fessel
Jochen Hick
Lan Rommel
Fionna Frank
Sylvia Mayer
Stephan Bürgi
Anne Katz
Dirk Kummer
Viet Pham
Christoph Gérard Stein
Can Fischer
Jonathan Berlin
Łukasz Majcher
Lutz Scheffer
Marcus Kreuz
Marcus Krone
Ingo Rasper
Dr. Anna Luise Kiss
Thomas Disch
Tajo Hurrle
Bernd von Fehrn
Jonas Breitstadt
Jules* Elting
Jonas Gross
Florian Appelius
Sven Serkis
Nadja Brendel
Kerstin Polte
Jol Rosenberg
Wieland Speck
Benjamin Kelm
Mario Högemann
Tavo Ruiz
Sandro Howald
Maria Koehne
Nicolas Dinkel
Stephanie Zurstegge
Denis “Marshall” Ölmez
Francy Fabritz
Ilse Biberti
Julia Ueno Strowski
Jasha Eliah Deppe
Sophie de Frenne
Manuel Finke
Graziella Tomasi
Shlomi Moto Wagner
Jasmin Reuter
Susann S. Reck
Vanessa Cutraro
Torsten Lenkeit
Donnie Corvalan Gonzalez
Daniel Reber
Kat [Katharina] Voß
Marcel Frank
Stefan Nickel
Tim Lienhard
Sina Hauer
Nina Lung
Michael G. Meyer
Carla Boicu
Maja Costa
Morten Bäcker
Jens Schadendorf
Julian Wonn
Felicitas Heck
Dr. Martin Ganguly
Felix Hertneck
Ben Zerhau
Zara Zandieh
Oska Borcherding
LCavaliero Mann
Julia Monro
Brix Schaumburg
Korbinian Häutle
Oliver Zenglein
Betty Lerche
Jan-Peter Horstmann
Letícia Milano
André Schäfer
Simon Niemann
Harvey Rabbit
Heinrich Horwitz
Sarnt Utamachote
Milena Arne Schedle
Franzis Kabisch
Chris Miera
Andrea Schmidt
Antonio Peña
Lutz Stoever
Klaus Nierhoff
Andrea Schütte
Ferhat Türkoglu
Jennifer Fritz
Jochen Schropp
Martin Bruchmann
Popo Fan
Barbie Breakout
Richard Gonlag
Vanessa Most
Maximilian Moll
Lara Keilbart
Angelina Maccarone
Dr. Julia Shaw
Melissa Remington
Christian Schäfer-Koch
Ingo Raabe
Matthias Freihof
Christian Senger
André Hansen
Mira Sanjana Sharma
Kevin Junk
Dominik Bliefert
Clemens Schick
Marco Kreuzer
Stephan Phin Spielhoff
Juliane Rump
Kathy Peters
Felix Fichtner
Toby Chlosta
Bastian Trost
Shari Asha Crosson
JJ Herdegen
Luisa Teruel Delgado
Stephan Kämpf
Rhys Anderson
Alison Schumacher
Annie Heger
Andreas Hammer
Joshua Seelenbinder
Bendix Bauer
Fabian Baecker
Katharina Hackhausen
Daniel Baaden
Bianca Kriel
Christine Guenther
Dr. phil. Alexander Graeff
Petra Niermeier
Robin Cadet
Frank Biehler
Raoul Mewes
Benjamin Cantu
Ben Boehm
Franziska Schiedung
Tetyana Gryniva
Philip Jestädt
Nikolai Will
Ruben Steingrüber
Tessa Hart
Eva Tepest
Friderikke-Maria Hörbe
Gabriel B. Arrahnio
Jörg Dinkel
Armin Wühle
Jan Krüger
Benedict Weskott
Eva Medusa Gühne
Ulrich Matthes
Antonia Leyla Schmidt
Michèle Lichtenstein
Hayal Kaya
Simon Axolotl Jensen
Henrik Meyer
Anne Roemeth
Kai S. Pieck
Anatole-Maël Powilleit
Melissa Byrne
Patrick Christopher Ehler
Lukas Sauer
Roman Shamov
Martin E. Schleker
Adrian Spring
Sven Rebel
Timo Gößler
Steffen Recks
Richard Kranzin
Rolf Grabner
Monika Treut
Dörte Ulka Engelkes
Rüdiger Böss
Spyros Patsouras
Kriss Rudolph
Martin Tietjen
Roland Ascheid
Marcello Liscia
Laurean Wagner
Katrin Schüler-Springorum
Felix Martin
Erwin Aljukić
Melissa Isabell Jäger
Matthijs Wouter Knol
Martin Schacht
Christian Hug
Jördis Trauer
Jasmin Riter
Patrícia Bateira a.k.a. NATürlich
Ulrich Höcherl
Shamila Lengsfeld
Constantin Lücke
Jan Künemund
Anja Gurres
Bastian Schöttner
Antonia Pepita Giesler
Riccarda Richter
Sophie Averkamp
Jim Baker
Claudia Mattai del Moro
Tim-Fabian Hoffmann
Bettina Böttinger
Niklas Wirth
Dan Dansen
Lars von Schuckmann
Daniel-Frantisek Kamen
Johannes Kram
Meik van Severen
Béla Belissima
Jonathan Wooldridge
Dörthe Strathausen †
Benedikt Langmantl
Sophia Kälble
Simon Pycha
Prof. Dr. Skadi Loist
Caspar Weimann
Gabriel Gerling
Axel Schock
Kadir Özdemir
Volkmar Leif Gilbert
Peter Schulze
Susann Lange
Niklas Bauer
Aviran Edri
Lina Zaraket
Joyce V. Newrzella
Giovanni Arvaneh
Sonja Hilberger
Jill Weller
Dr. Andy Machals
Rene Brodrecht
Florian Gottschick
Jean Denis Rômer
Marc Iven
Bineta Hansen
Maksim Avdeev
Barbara Wallbraun
Janik Kittirath
Sven Niemeyer
Sibylle Berg
Andrim Emini
Charlotte Siebenrock
Karen Suender
Julz Ritschel
Christian Alfred Kahrer
Donat Blum
Dr. Samuel Jefferson
Monika Freinberger
Thea Ehre
Marcus Jürgen Zollfrank
Helge Lodder
Dominik Ruder
Linda-Morena Lysenko
Alex Yakacki
Jozo Jurič
Francesco Mincione Scharrnbeck
Henri Ruff
Pierre Sanoussi-Bliss
Monty Arnold
Anna Lucia Gustmann
Ariel Nil Levy
Tim Schüler
Susanne Foidl
Sascha Eisenhut
Michael Gugel
Andreas Klaeui
Maj Weidlich
Sogol Faghani
Radev Spiewak
Stefan Westerwelle
Cornelius Kreuzwirth
Oliver Donks
Hanne Kah
Siegfried Wagner
Max Bretschneider
Dr. Florian Krauß
Hauke Diekamp
Alex Lee
Benedikt Zeitner
Karen “Kalli” Brunnbauer
Miriam Dehne
Christian Dunker
Anna Wollner
Paul Furtwängler
Markus Olpp
Adrian Djokić
Rogier Hardeman
Mohammad Shawky Hassan
Lucia Kotikova
Mo Jäger
Lion H. Lau
Ulrich Meinhard
Anna Schröder
Stefan Hochgesand
Lars Montag
Ralf König
Maik Schurkus
Luise Brinkmann
Gabriel Munoz Munoz
Sylva Häutle
Matthias Beier
Francisco del Solar
Else Buschheuer
Norwén Bodner
Toni Karat
Michaela Kis
Rüdiger Bach
Kay Ramczyk
Andreas Berg
Sascha Thürmann
Patricia Hempel
Svenja Peters
Alexandre Powelz
Marcel Kowalewski
Mathias Furch
Paula Knüpling
Sten Kuth
Björn Koll
Lutz Schmökel
Joschla M. Weiß
Rolf Vogl
Dr. Patrick Diemling
Carmen Yasemin Ipek
Alaz Burak Şen
Nadine Rendl
Karsten Aurich
Laura Tamoj
Johanna Steiner
Julian Mars
Jakob M. Erwa
Christos Acrivulis
Philipp Leinenbach
Noah Anderson
Marcel Kahl
Til Schindler
Elias Asbai
Linus Giese
Dana Herfurth
Luise Helm
Markus Schroth
Olaf Heilemann
Jörg Brückner
Therese Koppe
Benjamin Gutsche
André Kraft
Eva Maria Jost
Dr. phil. in art. Christian Bettges
Marcel Jacqueline Gisdol
Theresia Reinhold
Lucy Ribeiro
Max Nicolai Appenroth
Erkan Taskiran
Ben Knop
Yony Leyser
Vincent Rémy Schleuning
Jasmina Wesolowski
Danja Prahl
Frederik Busch
Dirk Fehrecke
Amor Schumacher
Dominik Djialeu
Karola Oswald
Thomas Schwank
Thomas Georgi
Rumo Wehrli
Kerstin Ahlrichs
Alexander Seib
Aşkın-Hayat Doğan
Manuel Gaubatz
Steven Preisner
Cosma Dujat
Paul Spittler
Nora Eckert
Julia Jamie Sparrow
Alexander Tschernek
Sophie Reichert
Julius Kraft
Andreas Korn
Lena Dirscherl
Chantal Marie Hallfeldt
Branko Buchberger
Stefan Reis
Eybe Ahlers
Johannes Rosenstein
Lori Baldwin
Pia Zessin
Florian Kamhuber
Zero Pilnik
Sarah Claire Wray
Leroy Leone
Salvatore Bruno
River Matzke
Amina Maher
Alexander Weise
Connie Walther
Frank Habatsch
Illi Anna Heger
Michael Rühl
Miku Sophie Kühmel
Sabine Bernardi
Tilmann Warnecke
Benjamin Chimoy
Melina Seiler
Dennis Todorovic
Anouk Elias
Patrick Heidmann
Markus Tomczyk
Claudia Artner
Steven Armin Novak
Patrick Rupprecht
Kai Kreuser
Driton Sadiku
Patrick Hess
Florens Huhn
Samuel Bereuther
Aline Oliveira
Utz Weber
Alexander Masche
Michael Brynntrup
Ruth Schönegge
Mario Canedo
Marlene Pardeller
Mehmet Sözer
Oliver Broumis
Nadine Lange
Henri Tomic

About us 


More than one in five Germans (20%) identifies as part of the LGBTQIA+ community, and one in ten (10%) is unsure. Queerness has therefore long been a part of society. The largest group of those who identify as part of the community is between 25 and 34 years old (28%).

This is the finding of a new study by the non-profit organization Queermentor and the market research company Appinio with a focus on LGBTQIA+ Community, Allyship and CSD from June 2024. “Nevertheless,” the results conclude, “it is also clear from the results that more efforts are needed to give queerness more visibility in the future…”


The survey “Vielfalt im Film” (“Diversity in Film”), co-initiated by the Queer Media Society in 2019 and supported by a broad alliance of industry representatives, associations and initiatives of marginalized groups, takes a first and important step towards a nationwide survey on diversity and discrimination experiences of filmmakers in front of and behind the camera. The first results have now been published.

In October 2021, the University of Rostock published the “Visibility and Diversity” progress study. The head of the study, Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Prommer, summed up: “The results show that our television programming does not yet reflect the diversity of the population.” For queer representation, it is noted that “only about 2 percent of the people covered during the observation period were not heterosexual.” Visible characters were only homosexual (0.9%) and bisexual (1.3%). In 27.4%, sexual orientation was “not discernible.”

There are no representative surveys regarding the music, advertising and games industry, the print media, publishing and stage entertainment in German speaking regions yet.

This has to change!


More LGBTQIA+-topics and players in the media by taking into consideration a code of practice regarding the topics:

  • gender
  • gender transition
  • sexual identity and orientation
  • ethnic origin
  • disability/impairment
  • body shape/body positivity
  • diversity of age
  • religion and world view
  • socioeconomic and cultural background

The promotion of a diverse and equality-oriented working environment in media companies and institutions

To promote
visibility and representation
of queer people
and their relation- and partnerships.

The goal is to enable a minority to proportionately be part of decision making about personnel decisions, contents and topics and in the media to portray the reality of life.
Only by being present in everyday working life and making it visible in the media beyond stereotypical depictions can it be possible to successfully bring other lifeworlds closer to the heteronormalized working environment and audience and bring about awareness, knowledge and social respect, as well as keeping it.

We therefore demand, that
10% of the regular output
of all media productions
cover LGBTQIA+ contents and characters.

In human resource management of media companies – not only regarding the creative crew – concepts of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) must be introduced or refined and full-time DEI officers must be nominated.

In coordination with other associations and initiatives, we are currently working on an intersectional gender diversity quota.

In order to enforce our demands on a personnel level, it is however essential that as many as possible queer people come out themselves.
We ask all media professionals to do this!

The structural goal of the QMS is to provide the following media sections:

FILM / TV / STREAMING / RADIO (fictional/non-fictional)

Working groups and individuals from these media sections develop and offer creative, practical suggestions, handouts and workshops for queer visibility and awareness.

Networking is important! The feedback on the founding of the QMS even more proved how important the need for personal and professional networking and exchange is​​​. But we are neither an agency for queer media professionals nor a job board, but an activist initiative.

Find out who already is part of our initiative in the German version.


Are you interested in our work or our topics or do you want to get actively involved?

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